Sorry not the best post I suppose, it seemed pretty obvious what I
needed to do or did it?

Since I've been using Squeezebox I've always had my music on a ReadyNAS
Duo and as stated the artwork has always been an issue. Well I think
I've found the problem. Over the last day or so I've been trialing
Vortexbox software on an old PC with idea of moving my media collection
off the ReadyNAS and onto a stand alone music server. The ReadyNAS is
just too slow for the job. I've moved some albums from the ReadyNAS
onto the Vortexbox for the trial and guess what, the front cover is now
displayed and not the back cover. 

It appears the issue has been created by the ReadyNAS. Both systems are
Linux based, maybe it is the Samba version on the ReadyNAS causing the
problem? I have been having problems with the ReadyNAS not updating the
modified timestamp on music files when using certain programs and this
is just another nail in the coffin.

It's academic anyway, as I've already ordered a HP Proliant  N40L
Microserver and I'll install Vortexbox for the moment and maybe turn it
into a proper server later. The above info maybe of interest to other
ReadyNAS users.



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