Idealist or not, you'd never get agreement on just which service should
get exclusivity.  Also, goes against the trend - all recent streaming
devices depend on a choice of services.  In fact, imho, Logitech is way
ahead of any other services.  They wouldn't sell any more devices if
they were tied to just one service.

In fact, I doubt that selling devices on the basis of a sub. system
would prove popular either, certainly not outside the US where there's a
fierce culture of nothing comes for free - in Europe there's less
enthusiasm for paying for something twice - once through taxes or endess
adverts, and twice through a subscription.

They could try selling their devices in Europe at cheaper prices - the
same radio is 112 GBP vs. a dollar equivalent of 92 GBP.

In Spain the cost is 167 euros vs. a dollar equivalent of 116 euros.

They could also spend some money on advertising!

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