Can you share any more details about any changes to Landscape view? 
It's been needing updating for a long time and it will be very welcome
when you can do everything in this orientation.

Back to what's been shown already...

How about an option to remove the volume slider at the bottom?  That
will remove a totally useless UI element and make more room on the

Here are the ways that already exist to adjust volume:  

hardware volume buttons
volume buttons on headphones
volume buttons on speaker dock
volume knob/buttons on amplifier

Honestly, I can't see any point in time where using an on-screen volume
slider would be more useful than hardware buttons that will be present
in nearly every usage scenario.

I'd also love to see the YEAR of the album displayed.

Does this new version of iPeng preserve one's customized menu along the
bottom?  Even when iPeng doesn't connect to the server right away?

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