MusicMonkey wrote: 
> Quick question:  how do you clear the current playlist in v2.0?  I
> believe that before you could click on the trash can and clear the
> playlist in 1 click, the trashcan was always displayed at the bottom. 
> Now it seems you hit the edit playlist button, select all, click trash
> can, then hit edit/done again to get out of edit mode - that's 4 clicks.
> Am I failing to see a better way?
Three. No need to get out of edit mode :) It will do that automatically
whenever you leave that screen or after a while.
Yes, I know that's something that got more difficult but it's actually
just one tap more (before it was trash-confirm) and I figured it's
something rarely used because the only reason I can find for it is when
you start a new playlist and then you probably add tracks for quite a
while later on.

I really wanted to clean up that main NowPlaying screen.
> Minor suggestion:  might it be possible to make it a little more visible
> when a player is "on" in the multi-player tab at top/center (and the
> pull-down screen)?  I understand the white highlight incidates "on", but
> to my eyes, the visual cue doesnt' seem very pronounced (vs. off).

Minor???? You kidding? My designer and me have literally spent MONTHS
trying to come up with good solutions for that one. My harddisc is full
of failed design approaches.
As it turn out, there are three alternatives:
* Spend a separate button for Power (independent of the icon) -> more
space used and more clutter on the NowPlaying screen
* Use abstract icons instead of the player artwork -> that's what we did
in iPeng 1.2 and it turned out that everybody hated it
* Use player icons and accept it's a bit hard to tell -> the current

It's the reason why I resisted for so long to have real player icons for
the power buttons (this, and the fact that the volume sliders are now
smaller) but it just looks better. A usually abhor
"function-follows-form" kind of UIs but had to learn that there are some
cases where something purely functional can turn people off, too.

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