Hey guys: thanks for sticking with me as I work
through this stuff.

Anyway, here I am playing Internet Radio through
SqueezeNetwork on my SB2 through my super-long
Ethernet cable.  Working OK, but there are two issues:

1.  Nearly every time I connect to the Squeezenetwork,
it asks me to do a firmware update.  I have updated
the firmware at least 20 times tonight!  The splash
screen on startup keeps alternating between
"squeezebox" (i.e. the new one) and "squeezebox2".  I
have a feeling it's going from the new firmware back
to the old one again and again.  Any advice to get out
of this loop?  I understand that the newest SlimServer
also contains the latest firmware, but I'm running
6.1.1 - is this part of the problem?

2.  When I was doing testing with my short Ethernet
cable SlimServer could see my SB2 just fine.  Now it
can't find the player.  I suspect the two are related,
it finds it for a second or so and says "Your player
requires a firmware update.  Press and hold
BRIGHTNESS" yada yada, then it loses it again. 
Obviously the SB2 finds SlimServer just fine.


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