sbp wrote: 
> Hi  just tried the new version, still the same problem, that Orange does
> not restart wifi, if the smartphone was been idle for some time.
> It is a Samsung galaxy I9100 with Android 4.0.4. what happens is that
> the wifi symbol disapears from top ribbon on the Android - you know the
> place where you can se the battery status, 3g status etc. However, when
> I pull down the screen from the top, the wifi icon is still green.
> If I press the icon (top stop the wifi) and press again to enable it -
> the wifi icon re-appear next to the battery indicator and Orange can
> find the wifi.
> So it seems like Samsung put the wifi into sleep, when left unused for a
> long time, and Orange is not able to re-enable the wifi.
> Hope this is understandable.

Yep, sorry I hadn't had time to look at this for this preview release.
I'll take a look at everything relating to this next week.

I will say that if the wifi icon is not 100% enabled (i.e. not in the
top bar) then there may be a bug in the phone operating system rather
than Orange Squeeze. It would be interesting to see the logs when this
occurs, so with new new preview release, enable verbose logging and then
when you run into the problem, use an app like CatLog to send the
results to me.

Incidentally, when this happens, if you open up a web browser *without
restarting the Wifi*, are you able to browse properly?

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