pippin wrote: 
> Ah. Finally somebody asking for that feature I proposed to Logitech as a
> use case for the server, when? 3 years ago? Looks like still nothing has
> changed on the Android syncing side since then, there simply is no good
> Android sync software.
> I believe you should have support on the server side for the sync
> process, too (keeping track of the state) but it might not be needed.

I think there are syncing solutions but nothing that integrates with
LMS, trackstat etc.

I was thinkin along these lines:
The app just needs an ordered (by priority) list of artists, playlists,
albums, dynamic playlists you want to sync.  
Higher priority stuff gets added until the space is filled.
Albums/Songs in each item can be prioritised by frequency played,
recentcy etc.

For each of these items in the list: T
1. Thee app then needs to ask the server for the relevant songs.
2. It needs to remove songs that no longer appear there.
3. Add songs on the server that it doesn't have .

If the app can run queries against the LMS db I don't see that it really
requires much server side code.  It would be better because then
different devices can have diferent sync profiles.

1) Artist: Coldplay 
2) Artist: U2
3) Album: OK Computer
4) Playlist: My Best Square Dancing songs
5) Dynamic: 100 most played songs order by descending playcount
6) Dynamic: Unlimted songs not recently played order by last played

This will add songs going down the list to the device.  Once the device
free space becomes limited it stops.
If it's not full by 5 it will add the most played songs limiting to a
For 6 it will continue adding till free space is limited.

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