JJZolx wrote: 
> UI, as in hardware to support the I/O peripherals, or UI as in software?
> Whether or not the hardware is there, doesn't the software approach need
> to be figured out as soon as possible, before development begins on Gen1
> (or 0.5) code?
I'm not 100% sure I've updated myself with the latest info in the
thread, but if I've understood it correctly we weren't sure if HDMI
would be there until Gen2. I think it wasn't there in Gen1, but then
someone found the wandboard and with the wandboard it might be there
already in Gen1 and Gen0.5. Either way, as soon as the hardware is
available a decision definitely has to be made and I guess that's
basically what you are suggesting ?

JJZolx wrote: 
> If the main copyright problems are only with SqueezePlay's graphics,
> then SqueezePlay sounds like a viable approach. So again, what are the
> advantages to an approach consisting of separate cooperating programs
> vs. the monolithic SqueezePlay? Wouldn't development of add-ons like
> applets be simpler within the framework of SqueezePlay, rather than
> having to invent means to communicate between the various applications?
> Other than the philosophical reasoning that John mentioned.
I personally see a purpose of separating the playback code from
everything else because you want to be sure that playback isn't
disturbed just because a screen saver isn't implemented the optimal way.
This might already be the case in SqueezePlay, I haven't looked at the
playback parts much so far, I know there are some separate jive_alsa
processes that runs and I suspect they are handling the playback.

Except for this, I don't really see a benefit of having it divided into
many different parts. I don't look at SqueezePlay as a monolith, it's
based on a lot of applets which can be installed and uninstalled. I
haven't looked at JiveLite but from the brief description from Triode it
sounded like it was more or less based on similar principles as

If we were talking about many different applets executing simultaneously
it would be different, but so far I can mainly see a need for screen
saver/visualizer applets and as long as we only have a single screen I
can only see a reason to run one at the time and for that something like
SqueezePlay/JiveLite should work perfectly.

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