* Avi Schwartz shaped the electrons to say...

1) Is Unicode is supported only for SB2 and above? Is there no way to use it with a SB1 with the graphics display upgrade? Since there is no way to have two sets of tags, one for each device, it is a case all or nothing. Either upgrade all my devices or stick with English. I know which one Slim Devices will prefer. :-)

It should work on SB1, but of course the resolution is lower. I've not tested 
it though.

2) While Hebrew letters appear fine on SB2, the characters are in the reverse order. If it were English, then it will appear as hsilgnE. Is there anything I can do to fix it besides entering the text in reverse? Also it would be nice to have the SB2 change the scrolling direction when displaying a language that is written from right to left.

The plan is to support it eventually. Patches welcome.

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