Chrobrego wrote: 
> * Use a "search and filter" type of interface (cf
> Browsing static
> hierarchies is slow and boring, especially if you have to create those
> in advance (cf custom browse or even playlists). Navigation should be
> highly dynamic. Look at Plex app. Sort capability should be advanced too
> (eg sort artists by number of albums)
Just to better understand this, are you looking at a scenario where you
are sitting in front of a computer, tablet, smartphone or IR-remote ?

I think faceted search can definitely work on a computer and it might
also work on a tablet, but on a smart phone/IR-remote you would probably
get something similar to the "Tags" menu which is provided by Custom
Scan/Custom Browse combination when using the Mixed Tag scanning module
in Custom Scan plugin. The "Tags" menu provided with Custom Scan/Custom
Browse plugin will let you select one criteria at the time and then
browse for available items, select the next criteria, browse for
available items that also matches the first criteria, so it is kind of
faceted search but it doesn't give you the same overview/flexibility as
a faceted search on a computer or tablet would give you.

We did a fairly flexible prototype interface for faceted search in SMD
project so it's definitely possible to do, at least for local music, but
as pippin mentions it won't work with standard LMS it would as a minimum
have to be enhanced with a plugin but possibly to get good performance
it would either need a separate server or data cached locally on the
tablet/smartphone/computer doing the browsing/searching. 

If some third party developer would be interested to experiment a bit
with implementing a faceted search interface for a computer or tablet,
please let us know. We might get there ourselves in the future, but it's
too early to say for sure at the moment and I think this kind of
functionality is something that would be perfect for a third party
developer to experiment with and show the concept to make it easier for
us to decide if it's something we should include in the core or if it's
better to let third party controller app handle it. The advantage of
ickStream compared to many other proprietary solutions is that we offer
an API for browsing/searching content which will make it possible for
third party developers to add things we don't have the resources to
implement ourselves.

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