Is your wireless signal strength high enough in the
new location?

I'd suggest what I did (changing out my router) but
since you have another SB2 that works fine with it,
it's not the router or the router firmware.

--- Olaf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> 2 days ago I picked up one of the last SB2s,
> replaced my SB1, powered it up, 
> told it all about my WLAN and off it went playing
> music.  Walk in the park.
> Or so I thought.  
> This was the first and last time this new SB2 would
> connect to my WLAN.  I 
> have tried everything - no joy.  My story goes like
> half-a-dozen others on 
> this board:
> o  Good signal strength
> o  Easily picks up my SSID - but won't connect (to
> the beam, never mind DHCP).
> o  The firewall on the router/AP is OFF, ie no MAC
> filtering.
> o  I have another SB2.  Same f/w (15), identical
> config.  No problems with 
> that one.
> o  I use WEP.  Since there's so many other wireless
> devices beaming around my 
> place, I cannot readily reconfig WEP w/o upsetting
> family so have not tried 
> w/o encryption.  Trust me, though, that WEP key's
> spot-on.
> o  I use 3com 3CRWDR100A - spent 2 (!) hours coaxing
> latest f/w upgrade onto 
> box.  No difference.  Arrgh!
> o  Tried various channels, again: no difference.
> o  Incidentally, this also implies that rebooting
> router makes no difference 
> on SB2 hooking up (some other victims managed to
> hook up on reboot).
> o  Plugged CAT5 into back to see whether there was
> life on Mars - played music 
> right away.
> o  Back to wireless - duff.
> o  Wireless SB1 is back in place, playing happily :(
> I despair.  Any other pointers?  
> Thanks - ovr.
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