bpa wrote: 
> Sync depends on the player h/w having an accurate RTC clock.  LMS makes
> sync decisions based on the clock values return by player. 

but which one? the one integrated into the mk808? or the one on the pcb
of the external usb dac?

bpa wrote: 
> Have you tried adjusting the sync params for the player in the LMS
> Settings/Player/Synchronize page and also looking at the LMS log to see
> why LMS is making adjustments (e.g. to determine main issue such as
> network latency or bad RTC clock).
yes. i have made a click track using audacity which consits of 1msec
clicks every two seconds. based on that its relatively easy to hear
differences, which i of course corrected using the player menus in lms.
haven't found anything in server.log regarding the skip aheads though...

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