ethan_esrah wrote: 
> Alternative approach: I could access the SqueezeBox via VPN using its
> local IP address. In this case, there would be no need to open the
> ports. Do you think this is a better idea?

Personally I don't trust security implementations by software providers
who's main focus is something different than security.
Security then is not a priority feature - and Squeezeboxes were never
officially intended to be run/controlled via the internet.

Here in Germany we recently had a major case of heating systems being
vulnarable via the internet:

This discovery of this security hole lead to the discovery of even more
vulnerable systems.
See this article, even if it is in German, looking at the pictures
should give you some impressions of things you can control via the

Even the temperature of the water showers of a prison could be
controlled via the internet.

Oh - all this system of course were password protected (but easily
The major flaw of all this systems was, that they didn't use common
security standards like VPN to establish the connection, which made
attacks possible in the first place

So yes: if possible you should definitely use a VPN.
By the way: even if you setup a password on Squeezebox server: the
communication on port 3483 is not password protected at all ... nothing
you want to expose on the internet.

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