> I now remember the name - one is Omnifi (the one that has wifi
> ability):
> http://www.omnifimedia.com/home/

I actually have an Omnifi...it has it's plusses and minuses but overall I'm
quite happy with it.  I considered building a car computer for some time but
couldn't justify it since you can find the Omnifi for ~$100.  Navigation is
pretty good--one of the biggest drawbacks is the inability to create custom
playlists on the fly.  You're limited to existing playlists, or
album-at-a-time, artist-at-a-time, or genre-at-a-time.

The software it's initially packaged with leaves a lot to be desired, and
the device's firmware was lacking some functionality, but there's quite an
active Yahoo group that has managed to hack the device and add a lot of much
needed functionality.  They've really opened it up to the point where it's
nearly just an open linux machine.  Along the way they've also discovered
that the GPL was violated for several elements of the device's firmware.  A
replacement, open firmware has been developed by some devoted hackers.
Check out this site for more details:

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