This past Saturday I did the folowing:

1. Upgrade from slimserver 6.1 to 6.2.1 (and today to 6.5b1 in attempt
to resolve Genre issue described below).  Complete rescans were done
with each upgrade.

2. Used MP3Gain for the 1st time to change about 2000 mp3's to  approx.

3. Used MP3Tag for the 1st time to fix about 25 mp3's with
incorrect/missing tags.

It appears that one or more of these 3 actions has now caused a very
large number of tracks (not all) to show up in the web interface with
absolutely no mention of a Genre (i.e. on the Song Info page the Genre:
line is completely missing!).  When I choose Browse Genres, and choose
say 'Country', it's only listing 12 out of over 200 artists with songs
in that genre.  I've got about 75-80 unique genres that still show up
in the Browse Genre list.  Browse Artists is still working just fine.

I went back into MP3Tag(version 2.32a) and verified that every song
does indeed have a genre tag assigned.  I tried all 4 combinations of
the new compilation & band settings, followed with complete rescans -
no luck.

Also there are 77 tracks with a genre of "No Genre".

All 2000+ tracks are kept in one large C:\My Music directory, on a
brand new WinXP box, with only 1 album in its own subdirectoy.  There
is also a ShoutcastBrowser_Recently_Played subdirectory containing 1
.m3u file.

I've had my SB2 for a little over 2 weeks now, and I think I would have
noticed this problem during the 2 weeks prior, but maybe this has been a
problem all along?  Nah, I doubt it.

Any ideas?   If MP3Tag can still see all the genre tags, shouldn't
slimserver also be able to read 'em all?  


Jim Larson
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