norderney wrote: 
> Sorry but I've not been able to read through all the posts on this
> thread, but I was just wondering how easy it is for someone who is
> completely non technically minded to get this new community squeezebox
> installed and working?
> Is it still in development or is it ready for release?

Hmmm. How to answer that..... I'd be fibbing if I didn't say that we're
still in the development cycle, but assuming you have a little patience,
can download a software image, follow the on-line instructions, (which
are targeted at the non-techy user with a Window$ desktop, rather than a
Unix guru), could a non-technical user end up with a working set-up
today, the answer is, yes. If you expect a shrink-wrapped product, I'm
afraid it isn't that, and in some places the software is still a little
rough around the edges, but for the most part it already works pretty
well! ;)

norderney wrote: 
> As LMS is open source are there any plans to continue developing LMS?

Michael, (Logitech developer), is still maintaining LMS on a day to day
basis. Whilst one could argue that it isn't being actively developed,
there is no arguing that it is actively maintained. Having said that,
there has been a little development going on recently to add DSD support
by the community and that should be finding it's way back upstream to
the Logitech 7.8 trunk git, and be available to all, sometime soon.

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