As I'm the author of the Google Play Music plugin I'd like to give some
hints. First of all the plugin is currently tested and supported on
Linux-based systems only. Windows and Mac OS are not supported so far.
The reason for this is that the Google API being used is written in
Python and I do not have any plans to port it to Perl, the programming
language of the Logitech Media Server (LMS).

It would be great if someone would try to find a way to make this plugin
running on Windows or Mac OS. So, I'm relying on your help. If there is
a way to make it running on non-Linux systems I will include the
installation procedure to the current Linux HowTo.

Now the details. The Plugin which is completely written in Perl
communicates with the Python Google API (gmusicapi) through a two Perl
Modules: Inline and Inline::Python. The Inline module allows for
inlining other programming languages. Inline::Python is for inlining
Python. Thus, both modules have to be installed in a way that the Perl
interpreter of the LMS can use them. If done correctly (at least for
Inline) the "Can't locate in @INC" error should be fixed.

I have no clue how Python on Windows has to be installed to be able to
inline it with Perl. But I'm quite sure it is doable. One thing that
needs to be solved is this: "Previous versions of Inline::Python worked
on Windows and Cygwin -- this version has never been tested there. I
strongly suspect it will require patching. Please send me patches." It
comes from the documentation page of Inline::Python.

There is another possibility to communicate with the Python gmusicapi.
The gmusicapi could be wrapped into a Python Proxy server run on the LMS
host. There is something similar out there: gmusicproxy. The Plugin
could send requests to the proxy using JSON. This approach would avoid
the use of the Perl modules Inline and Inline::Python.

So, any volunteers?

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