donmacn wrote: 
> thanks guys,
> I have a spreadsheet too - with all the MAC addresses, IP addresses,
> device names and so on - it's not that I'm hopelessly disorganised!:D
> Just to recap though on some things above. I did set the router DHCP and
> static ranges to avoid conflicts, but I'm increasingly convinced that
> some construction issues are disrupting the wifi network. Perhaps if I'd
> addressed this first I wouldn't have had so many issues. I'm struggling
> for time to install a second WAP for the next few weeks, but when I do,
> I'm hoping it will make a significant improvement.
> After that I'll probably try what get.amped has suggested - a smaller
> range of static addresses, and then reserved DHCP. Watch this space.
> Thanks
I have two WAPs in my house as the front and rear halves of the building
are separated by a thick, solid, brick wall top to bottom (with doors
between of course!) but luckily not in the loft. I have given them
different SSIDs as I could never get the system to work properly with
just the one. The main one is perched in the loft above the wall which
gives a good signal upstairs and on the rear ground floor, but only a
just acceptable signal on the ground floor front.  This is enough to
serve the internet to mobile devices at the front of the house but not
reliable enough for devices like the Receiver.  The second (actually my
Router) serves just the front of the house and gives an acceptable
signal for the Receiver and internet connected TV in my living room. I
have "hidden" the SSID of this WAP so all visiting devices connect to
the main one by default.

I have powerline networking to the one static PC on the ground floor
where the extra bandwidth is useful when copying photos and other large
files back and forth to my NAS.

*SqueezeBoxes:* Two SB Duets (Living room and kitchen)
*Server:* Synology DS111 (2TB) NAS running LMS 7.7.2
*Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH
access point
*Livingroom:* Receiver, Naim 42/110 amp, B&W CM2 speakers
*Kitchen:* Receiver, Topping TP20 Mk2 Class T amp, B&W 686 speakers
*Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline.
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