I was trying to get my phone to work as a Squeezebox player last night,
using SqueezePlayer and OrangeSqueeze.  Initially I thought it was
OrangeSqueeze that was the problem as I have only installed it in the
last few days. Previously I have used SqueezeCommander but I heard that
the developer has gone AWOL, so I thought I would give OrangeSqueeze a

The symptoms are roughly as follows (I am typing this from work and
can't try it out at the moment so am going from memory of what happened
last night):

I start SqueezePlayer.  Everything seems OK.

I open OrangeSqueeze and I see my phone listed as a player.  I select

I try to play a track but I do not hear anything (though I do see the
track time ticking away).

If I try to open SqueezePlayer, it comes up briefly but closes.  I see
some error message related to wifi but it is not open for long enough to
read it.

My phone is no longer listed as a player in OrangeSqueeze.

Sometimes, when I open SqueezePlayer, I hear a brief snippet of the
track I tried to play.  I *think* this happens only after I have closed
OrangeSqueeze but I am not sure.

As I say, I thought initially it was OrangeSqueeze that was the issue as
this was the first time I tried to use it in conjunction with
SqueezePlayer.  However, when I went back to SqueezeCommander, that did
not work either.  I tried various other things such as clearing
SqueezePlayer's data and cache, uninstalling it and reinstalling,
restarting the server etc.  

After all of this it occurred to me that this was probably the first
time I had tried to use SqueezePlayer since my phone upgraded to Android
5.0. The phone is a Nexus 5 so tends to be ahead of the curve in getting
Android updates so, if that is the source of the problem, perhaps
relatively few people have seen it so far. I did see a couple of recent
reviews for SqueezePlayer on the Play Store which seem to lend support
to the theory that SqueezePlayer is broken with Android 5.0.

Does this sound plausible or is there anything I could try?

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