cliveb wrote: 
> Of course sometimes differences are so clear cut that they are obvious.
> But modern DACs are sufficiently similar that you really can't ignore
> the likelihood that non-auditory cues will be the dominant factor in a
> sighted test.
> You really, REALLY cannot ignore the fact that everyone is vulnerable to
> non-auditory cues causing genuine changes in their perception of what
> they hear. *No amount of protestation that "I know my ears", or "it was
> so obvious it can't be imaginary" cuts it.*
> My own "road to Damascus moment" happened when I was comparing two
> radically different DACs. It was obvious that one of them was more
> detailed than the other. Then I did a blind comparison and scored
> precisely 50%.
> I'm not saying that you will definitely find there is no difference
> between your TP, Oppo and M2Tech DACs in a blind trial. But until you
> actually do that blind trial, you can't know for sure.

Cuts it with whom exactly?
I've acknowledged your point twice now Clive, but made my own
counterpoint in return. Twice.

Life's too short, have a cookie. :)

We're interfering with the original posters question, let's leave others
to comment.

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