On 11/8/05, Bart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have done this and it works seamlessly (except for the track number
> problem)
> It is also good for tracks featuring two artists, you can make the
> track appear under both artist's names.
> However I subsequently put a bigger disk into the system and copied the
> files across whereupon NTFS converted the links into files (because the
> links only work on one physical volume)  Now I have some unknown
> quantity of duplicates in my system and have hesitated to create more
> links because I am bound to upgrade the disk sooner rather than later.
> Anyone got a useful duplicate finder?

Not this this would help your current duplicate situation, but the
Resource Kit also includes a program called hlscan.exe that goes
through and tells you all the hard links on the volume so you can
remove them and add them back later on the new volume.  Of course that
doesn't sound very fun, either, though I suppose it could be automated
with a script.

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