(sorry for the long post)

>From what I can recall, this started about a year ago. I have been using
7.9 since shortly after it was released. I can't remember whether it
also occurred under 7.8 at the time but I don't think so. Since some
changes are made in the 7.7,7.8 versions and then merged into 7.9 I
can't say where it started or whether it is now limited to 7.9.

However, lightning888 said in an earlier post that this occurred with an
SB3. For me, it is a transporter. So it may be an ipv3 issue (is that
what the original architecture is called?). I never see it when I listen
through my computer using squeezelite. 

Here is what I usually see (I freely admit this scenario may be just a
coincidence). Would others who have seen the problem please confirm if
they also see this behaviour. This happens with any FLAC file. I don't
play much mp3 so I can't be absolutely sure but I don't think it is file
or tag related.

While playing, the screen flashes "cannot find server ... " and then
immediately switches back to the song title. This can happen repeatedly
and often. The issue where LMS loses track of which song it is on occurs
when the "cannot find server" flashes near the end of a song, presumably
when LMS is preparing for the next song. The next song will come on but
LMS on the device and on the webpage (as well as tablet apps) all show
the previous song.

As I said, the "cannot find server" always flashes for only an instant
like it loses sight of the server for just a moment. The time in between
each "cannot find server" can be many minutes or just seconds but each
time it only lasts a fraction of a second until the song title flashes

I have never said anything about this because I was, and remain, too
happy with 7.9 to let this little blip concern me. And I know that this
message will lead many (as it did myself) to suspect it is just a
network/router problem. My LMS computer and my transporter are both
wired. I assign both their IP addresses on the router using IP
reservation by mac id. The computer and transporter are both using DHCP.
I used to use assigned IP addresses on both devices (not DHCP) but
changed that awhile ago to try to track this down to no avail.

The way I get out of this problem is to select play on a specific song
(next/prev song won't do it -- it remains off by one song) and LMS gets
itself and the player back in sync with the file actually playing. Only
rarely will music stop at the end of a song at which point I have to
explicitely play the next song. I forget if pressing next works.

Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the problem manually. I just have to
wait for it to happen. If someone can tell me what log settings to use
to capture "cannot find server" messages on the devices, I can turn that
on and wait for it to happen. I always suspected that if the message is
generated on the device by the firmware then we won't see it in the LMS
log. But, on the other hand, LMS web UI and tablet apps also get out of
sync so there must be something happening on the LMS side. I can't say
which side started it.

Also, no crossfade, no volume control (fixed at 100%), no replay gain.

Plugins active (I turned off all the others sometime ago to try to solve
Additional Browse Modes
BBC iPlayer (v1.4.9)
BBC iPlayer extras (v1.9.3)
Blanksaver (v2.1.6)
Digital inputs
Full text search
Live Music Archive
NPR Radio
Random Mix

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1466761329 @ Fri Jun 24 09:51:11
CUT 2016
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Windows 10 - EN - cp1252 
Platform Architecture: 8664
Perl Version: 5.14.1 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
Audio::Scan: 0.95
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Total Players Recognized: 1

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