
After years of more or less trouble free use of LMS for music play back,
i now have issues.

First my setup.

Running LMS om a synology ds 213+, i have a duet receiver that connects
to my stereo, An Joggler with Squeezeplay for controls only. A coupe of
laptops who control the music via the web browser, Squeeze Controller on
my phone and a radio in the kitchen.

We started off with not being able to access the music like we normally
do and so i decided to do some updating, since that has not been done
since years.

I quickly learnt that there is a new LMS version for the NAS so i
decided to update the Nas software and the LMS plugin. So now i am
running dsm 6.0.2-8451 and LMS 7.9.0-161.1091

I am now able to play music but the system is running like sh.t. I have
hiccups in playback, songs that stop half way thru playing, general
stopping of play back, very laggy or non responsif controls from all
devices, zipping to the last song of the album at hand.. ect

Basically from a super solid system i now have a total mess. 

I am not at all in the loop on where developments and setup stiles have
gone over the years. Can somebody please send me off in the right
direction to get back to a solid setup ?

maarten776's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=36922
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=106272

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