Copyright law is a morass of contradictions, inconsistencies,
inequities, and foolishness, to which no one can rightly claim full
understanding. Even so-called specialists in copyright law are often
confused and uncertain about what they can, and cannot, make stand up in
court. That's why so many cases that do get to court receive so much
press and so much speculation, and drag on through so many arguments. If
it were straightforward, there would be few questions and cases would be
clear-cut. And that's all just within a single nation's system of
jurisprudence; across international boundaries the mess becomes even

So asking "is this legal?" is like asking "how high is up?" Nobody
really knows, but lots of people will be happy to assert an opinion and
claim it as the actual, factual, philosophical and legal truth. The only
sensible response is what Dylan's song says: "Anything's legal, as long
as you don't get caught." Using a little common sense, copying or
recording only for your own use and not trying to go into business
selling bootlegs, leaves it pretty unlikely anyone will notice or bother
you. Making a big deal out of it and openly waving it around or making
money from it increases the likelihood that A) someone will notice, and
B) someone will decide to "make an example of you", for their own
political, professional, or financial gain. Surely I'm not the only one
who remembers how Napster started?

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