> Have a look at Mp3tag (ignore the name - it works on most audio file
> formats):
> http://www.mp3tag.de/en/
> You can set up "actions" in Mp3tag that will build tags from other
> tags, or from parts of the file name.  And vice versa, you can rename
> files based on tag information or from parts of the file name.

[ Good description of MP3TAG actions deleted. ]

> If you like, drop me an email and I could send you a zip file with my
> customized actions - they're each stored within a text file, so they

I just sent you an email message, but I thought responding here would be
helpful as well. Perhaps you could also post your ZIP file as an
attachment via the forum -- that way others will be able to benefit from a
ready made solution. Seems like at least a few other people are trying to
figure out how to handle this issue nicely and without too much hassle.


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