Hi, I have added my replies between the lines:

ModelCitizen wrote: 
> Thanks for this. The display on my Boom is not readable any more and I'd
> like to change it. However, I have a few issues I'd be glad if you or
> someone might adress:
> 1) You say: " the changes in the control logic part seem pretty
> fundamental". This sounds like they are not a direct swap out, or have a
> I got that wrong?
> Well, the photos show that the circuitry has undergone some massive
> changes. However, besides minimal deviations, the electrical and logical
> interface is same as before. You can swap them against each other with
> no problems.
> 2) How hard is the display to change? Is it a soldering iron job (if so
> it looks quite hard due to large number of pins)?
> It is a soldering job, and it's not the easiest one. I would say, on a
> scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is hardest, it's a 6. But this is not only due
> to the requisite desoldering and soldering but also because the Boom is
> not exactly service-friendly, and a lot of mistakes can be made on the
> way. My recommended replacement procedure is described in detail here:
> http://joes-tech-blog.blogspot.com/2016/06/logitech-squeezebox-boom-vfd-display.html
> 2) Where can I buy a Noritake MN16032GB. I can't find a seller anywhere?
> Noritake has some sales offices around the world. I recommend purchasing
> directly from there as intermediate merchants add quite a bit on top of
> the regular price. Here is what I could find on some of the data sheets:
> Noritake Sales Office Tel Nos
> Nagoya Japan: +81 (0)52-561-9867
> Canada: +1-416-291-2946
> Chicago USA: +1-847-439-9020
> Munchen (D): +49 (0)89-3214-290
> Itron UK: +44 (0)1493 601144
> Rest Europe: +49 (0)61-0520-9220
> www.noritake-itron.com
> If all else fails, I can send you small quantities directly. It is
> well-known that the US sales office has irreasonably high pricing,
> approximately double of what is charged for the same thing in Germany. I
> am currently in contact with them, asking why and if there is any chance
> of better pricing in the US any time soon.
> Thanks

5x Squeezebox Classic SB3 (one waiting for repair)
6x Squeezebox Boom (two waiting for repair)
1x Transporter
1.5x Controller (one waiting for repair)
1.5x Touch (one waiting for repair)
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