All the Squeezeboxes are currently wireless. The U-Verse router supports
wireless b/g/n at 2.4 GHz and my other wireless devices seem fine
(including an original model Kindle Fire and an original model Roku.) 

I did try a quick experiment this morning. Before coming to work, I ran
an ethernet cable to one of the Touches  and it played music. So, it
seems there is something weird about the U-Verse router's wireless.
(This is probably the 4th or 5th wireless router I've used and all the
others haven't had any issues.) 

I'll keep experimenting. If necessary, I'll hard-wire the two Touches
which are currently only a short distance from nearby switches. The
Radio is rarely used to play from the music server so I may just leave
it connected to Or, I could turn off the U-Verse
router wireless and use one of the old wireless routers sitting in my

Will keep you posted as the experiments continue.

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