If I stream Deezer on my Duets around the house, am I streaming from
Deezer.com (which is included in their deal meaning it's not using up my
data allowance), or am I streaming from Squeezebox.com (which isn't, and
therefore will eat up my allowance).

The audio date comes from the music source, not mysb.com. I don't know how they handle this, as it's not coming from some deezer.com domain, but a CDN they're using. But I guess they've figured that out.

Also, (just checking), I assume if I'm streaming to 4 players
synchronised, I'm only downloaing data once to mediaserver which is then
in turn streamed wthin my home network to the 4 duet players (so Im not
using 4x the data when playign on 4 players...

Yes, afaik that's the case.


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