Unfortunately, seeing the same results that you are seeing - volume
change on *ANY* player will cause all players with "sync volume" set to
sync to its volume.

In my test it was the Receiver in my bedroom that I left at "don't sync
volume" and set the Boom and the Receivers in my living room and office
to "sync volume".  When I changed volume in the bedroom, all of the
other players synced to it at the beginning of the next song.  When I
changed any of the other players, all of the players *except* the one in
the bedroom synced volume.

It doesn't appear that when "sync volume" is set on a player that LMS
checks to see if the other player that changed volume has "sync volume"
or "don't sync volume" set.  

Not sure how a change request/suggestion is made, however, it might be a
useful change to have only players with "sync volume" set to affect
other players with "sync volume" set and ignore when players with "don't
sync volume" have volume changes.

Any chance the Classic is connected to something that you can control
the volume via remote or app?  That way you could leave it at full
volume in LMS and just use LMS to change the volume on the Boom and
Duet.  Somewhat a trade off between using another remote/app v
readjusting the Boom and Duet volume when ever you change volume on the
Classic via LMS....

"You know, I'm all for progress. It's change I object to."
Mark Twain

LMS 7.9 on Raspberry Pi3 w/200GB SD 
5 Receivers, 1 Boom, 2 Radios, 1 Controller, 1 iPhone & 1 iPad w/iPeng,
1 Android phone w/Squeezer
JeffHart's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=23791
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108999

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