mherger wrote: 
> >> Running this kind of stuff in a loop would likely only hit SQLite's
> >> buffer - which is not representative either.
> >>
> > Not sure about that. If I were to speculate:  SQLite doesn't seem to
> do
> > any real query caching, and the buffer seems very limited, leading to
> a
> > weird spiking performance profile:
> If I get that chart right, then your LMS is CPU bound. Which means it's 
> not waiting for I/O.
Yes, it's 100% CPU bound. There is zero I/O during the run (the DB files
are already cached in RAM), which is is one of the main reasons I prefer
this benchmark to rebuild library / scan for files. The I/O of reading
the files introduces a lot of overhead unrelated to the DB performance,
and increases variability (e.g. due to file system caching).
I've posted the (quite promising) results in the ' other thread '

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