
I am not sure if I should be post here or in the LMS forum. My primary
use of the SB2 is to access radio stations from around the world; every
now and then I will use it to play music or audio books. When I start my
SB2 I get the menu that allows me to select a function. In Settings I
have had Radio as the first/default selection which is what I used. But
I have recently had problems with rebuffering of stations, even my local
NPR station, and was looking for a solution. When I went to go to I found that there was a TuneIn selection, I had set up
TuneIn in settings and set favorites at the TuneIn site, so I have tried
it and it does not have the same buffering problems that Radio has. My
question concerns the position of TuneIn in the menu. Radio can be moved
in the settings menu but I have found nowhere to move TuneIn so that it
appears as the first menu selection onscreen; it appears about midway in
the onscreen menu so that when I start up my SB2 I have to scroll down
to find it. Is there a way to reposition TuneIn on the menu so that it
is the default opening selection on the menu? And why the rebuffering
problem with the Radio selection but none with TuneIn?

Fifteen+ years and still learning about the SB,


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