So this is the current situation: since disabling the server on my RPi,
switching to a newly installed LMS playback is flawless.
Because of that power message, I disconnected the touchscreen and
started LMS on the RPi again: still flawless playback on 3 wired and and
wireless connected players.
Reconnected the touchscreen and still perfect playback.

So I'm puzzled and very curious why, with the same situation as before,
everything is fine now...

@KeBul: you have a point that these symptoms might be related to that
power issue. 
When I ordered these parts, I specifically asked if this PSU would work
with my setup and even though these power related messages are still
being spawned, playback is fine so go figure.

Thanks for thinking with me guys!

RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite,
LMS and Jivelite), +24k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
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