left channel wrote: 
> I don't use WASAPI because with squeezelite it's still limited to 44.1
> as far as I know

I've added support for WASAPI exclusive mode to the 'latest
squeezelite-win 1.9.1-1139'

-a <l>:<e>  Specify Portaudio params to open output device, l = target
latency in ms, e = use exclusive mode for WASAPI (0|1)

First in the sound device advanced properites, you need to enable *Allow
applications to take exclusive control of this device*

Then add *-R -u E -a :1 -o "Device name [WASAPI]" * to the
squeezelite-win command line.

The -R -u E causes squeezelite to resample only if native rate is not
supported.  The WASAPI device on my laptop only supports 192000 96000
48000 44100.

I'm still working on an issue with matching devices that use utf8
characters from the command line.  As a work around for now use -o X
where X is the number before the device name in the output from
squeezelite-win -l.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmsclients/files/) 'donations'
always appreciated.
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