> This is not part of the SlimServer
> itself, but the MusicInfoSCR
> screensaver.

Is this not bundled with 6.2?  I don't recall downloading and
installing separately. At any rate, regardless of where the feature
originates, it would be useful to modify it in the way I described.

> Why don't you use the PLAYLIST tag to
> always display the playlist name?

Because it doesn't provide the behavior I'm looking for. If I use
PLAYLIST where I currently use TITLE, then nothing displays when I play
music (e.g. MP3s from the Browse Music Folder menu). I can't keep
flipping back and forth depending on what I'm listening to.

Also, if I have a playlist containing multiple radio stations (e.g.
'Talk & News Radio.m3u' or 'Classical Music Radio.m3u'), then the name
of the playlist displays, not the name of the track (i.e. radio station
name) within the playlist. I have several hundred radio stations
conveniently categorized into a few playlists and have no interest in
splitting them up into individual playlists for each station.

As I mentioned, since the basic code already exists, I would expect
that it could easily be modified. For example, instead of providing a
dropdown with Yes or No options, it could be modified to include the
following options instead:

Display playlist name for radio stations?
1) Always
2) Never
3) When Empty

It might also be useful to add a fourth option when the string contains
unprintable characters (e.g. foreign-language, unicode, etc.) as often
encountered with international stations.

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