Very much agreed - my otherwise very good electrician had to be watched
like a hawk when it came to the LAN, and he still didn't use the best of
cables....... nor did he know how to verify their integrity once pulled.
I had one run that clearly had a fault that rendered it inoperative. 
And for assorted reasons it was impossible to pull another cable
through.  But I did come up with a work-round - ethernet cables and
connectors typically have 8 wires, only 4 of which are used in the
working circuit.  I discovered that 2 of the normally used wires were
broken, and therefore I could cross wire 2 of the "spares" to get me a
working connection.  Not a perfect solution (there are certain
situations where you might want all 8 wires...), and it's important to
make a physical note of that cross-wiring at both ends of the run -
otherwise, a few years later, you or somebody else could get very

LMS 8.0.1 (1606118512)
Control: Web GUI; sometimes OrangeSqueeze on Android phones / pads

Machines / devices are in France, in two locations.
a) Sagem Livebox
Internal HDD (FLAC music; mp3 voice), Desktop
3 x Touch - 2 wireless, 1 LAN. (7.8.0-r16754)
3 x SB Radios [2 wireless, 1 LAN] (7.7.3-r16676)
1 x Riva Arena (via Airplay LMS PlugIn)

b) Freebox
External SSD (all mp3), WiFi Laptop
1 x Touch LAN (Firmware:7.8.0-r16754)
2 x SB Radios, Wireless (7.7.3-r16676)
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