Stuart Cooper Wrote: 
> We ship to Ireland - although Rep of Ireland costs the same as mainland
> Europe with DHL (approx £35) - Northern Ireland is our standard free
> delivery on Squeezebox. If you'd like to buy one from us, and you're in
> RoI,
> you can order online and choose the EU Delivery option. 
> Would you really prefer to deal with the faceless Amazon, rather than
> a
> company that knows the product and can help you with technical and
> pre-sales
> queries? You won't see them generating interest and championing the
> product
> in the UK or anywhere else. I've had the Squeezebox on CH5's Gadget
> Show and
> reviewed in a number of magazines; I also made the first contact with
> Radio
> IO and Radio Paradise, although initially neither were particularly
> interested - now RadioIO is a part of the interface!
> With regard to eBay, we've had more than one call from customers
> who've
> purchased an SB2 from eBay only to discover it was an SB1 on arrival.
> Doh!
> Stuart.
> P.S. Will ask my missus if she thinks I'm a "bedroom bandit" - am
> expecting
> laughter sadly. :-(
> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss-bounces (AT) lists (DOT)
> [mailto:discuss-bounces (AT) lists (DOT)] On Behalf Of
> Orb
> Sent: 25 November 2005 13:23
> To: discuss (AT) lists (DOT)
> Subject: [slim] Re: Slim Devices at Amazon
> have them but the wont ship to Ireland.
> The only Irish reseller ( don't seem to
> be
> bothered to have a website.
> You see my point? Why cannot Slim stop faffing about with these
> bedroom
> bandits and get their products with a proper retailer like Amazon?
> Yes I could order it direct from SD but then I get hit with not only
> the
> huge UPS postage costs but also 21% Vat upon arrival.
> You know, Im feeling really quite pissed off!!!
> --
> Orb
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Orb's Profile:
> View this thread:


1. I went to your website and got excited when I found SB2 wired
listed. I clicked on it and got "NO LONGER AVAILABLE - NOW REPLACED BY
If its no longer available why bloody list it???

Not a good start.

2. How on earth can you charge £35 to send it less than 150 miles south
of the Northern Ireland UK Border?

3. I would prefer to deal with the "faceless Amazon" as you put it
because I can go to their website, order it, have it turn up within 48
hours without any fuss. I mean, I've been looking to buy (Credit card
waiting) for the best part of a month now. How bloody difficult should
it be to buy the product?

I'm not having a personal dig at you Stu and forgive me if my tone
comes across that way. I am just very VERY frustrated.

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