Maybe a slight tangent from the original topic, but...
I have four original, white SB3s which I am *very* attached to, partly
due to their near-perfect industrial design, an early project by 'Fred
Bould' ( who rivals the better-known Jony Ive and
'Dieter Rams'
for elegant, simple product design.

I've replaced the failed PSU on one (trivial..) and moved another with a
failed analogue audio channel to digital out. However it sounds like
they won't soldier on forever.

So.. has anyone attempted to strip out the entire internals and replace
with something like a Pi zero + mini-DAC (something like a 'HiFiberry
DAC+ Zero'
( I haven't
even opened up any of mine to see how much room is available, and the
obvious challenge would be how to either replace the display (with
what?) or maybe drive the existing one (how?).
Bit of a long-shot, but it seems like a real shame to dump what must be
a growing pile of dead SB3s into e-waste, and if there was a reasonably
straightforward way to replace the internals then I'm sure there would
be some interest?

Odroid HC1 / Armbian Stretch LMS & LocalPlayer
4x Slim Devices SB3 (White)
1x Boom, 1x Radio
2x Joggler + Squeezeplay / Squeezelite + Topping TP30
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