Just been doing a few more experiments.

Using piCorePlayer 6.1.0, I finally discovered that the critical step is
to change the fourth option on the ALSA output setting to 0. After
restarting squeezelite, everything just works, including the GPIO
toggling. No reboot required. Once I discovered this, a quick search of
the forums found a few threads where Paul had stated that mmap=1 doesn't
work on the Pi4B in 64 bit mode. I didn't even realise that 6.1.0 was 64
bit. (Or perhaps it is 32 bit and mmap=1 doesn't work on a Pi4B in any

Can anyone explain what the mmap option actually does?
Weird that an audio output setting affects the GPIO control.

Anyhow, I then tried out piCorePlayer 7.0.0.
Both versions (standard - which I presume is 32 bit, and 64 bit) worked
straight out of the box, even with mmap set to 1. Setting the GPIO power
on/off worked without any issue. So I guess whatever the issue was with
mmap has been resolved in Squeezelite 1.9.8 (piCorePlayer 6.1.0 shows
that it uses Squeezelite 1.9.6).

But it is interesting to note that the non-working mmap setting seems to
affect other apparently unrelated subsystems - perhaps not just the GPIO
control. Presumably had Paul or Jeff been aware of this they'd have
pointed me in the right direction much sooner.

Ironic that if I had waited a few days to start playing around with this
and 7.0.0 had been released, none of this would have come to light. But
it has at least revealed a possibly useful piece of info for anyone else
who encounters the issue.

Transporter -> ATC SCM100A
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