pfarrell Wrote: 
> On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 12:55 -0800, tomsi42 wrote:
> > Is it possible to see which songs that have been played on my SB2
> > during a given period?
> I may be imagining it, but I am sure that on the old
> server (circa 5.4) that there was a report on
> popularity of songs. Easily accessible from the 
> main server page. I can't find it on the page
> with my 6.2.1 server.
> If the data is available in the slimserver's database, it
> should be trivial to use perl to crank out a simple report.
> I haven't checked the schema to see if the data is there.
> If it isn't, sounds like a good and easy enhancement to
> the database.
> -- 
> Pat

Now, that was my thought as well. But I couldn't find any information
in the docs or faq's. It shouldn't be difficult to put something
together, though...


SqueezeBox2, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, DynaBel Exact. I can get used to
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