
Background first:

My brain is hardwired to squeezebox, and my audio equipment knowledge
interests are kind of old school electronics. So I'm not all that
objective and up on the latest "multi room" solutions available. I have
a friend who I setup with a touch running Tiny LMS last year. I recently
built (but have not installed yet) a pcP LMS (server only) for him to
improve on the tiny LMS limitations/end of life. He's not technical at
all, and frankly isn't that attentive when it comes to learning. As an
example - he never grasped using "zone 2" of his AV receiver for his
outdoor speakers and how to switch to zone 2 to change volume. So, I
have been working with him to greatly simplify things.

So we are replacing his multichannel AV Receiver (he says it's
defective, but could be user error)  with a 2 channel
receiver/integrated amp to drive 4 ceiling speakers. He has a pair of
outdoor speakers that I had planned on a small (30 wpc) analog amp (tape
monitor out to amp in). So the system would be touch and LMS to receiver
to small amp. The two amps would be co located as are all of those
speaker wires.

Here's the complication. He now wants to add two rooms (wireless) a
bedroom and a basement area. I had initially thought to find second hand
radio for the living room, boom for the basement, and sync using group
players (stay simple). But, he says he wants to use some old speakers he
has, apparently built in (?). Ok, so I then thought about squeezeamp or
a pcP running squeezelite, a analog hat, with small amp (similar to
outdoor amp).

Here's the quandry:

As mentioned, I have squeezebox tunnel vision. I am wondering if there
is something simpler that I am overlooking with sonos, alexa, airlplaY,
siri, chrome cast, yamaha music cast, etc, etc. I am really not familiar
with any of them. Back in 2008 I chose squeezebox over sonos, but has
anything changed?

I should mention that this is not planned as an audiophile system, more
of a general listening (alot of background listening) system. I am going
to try to fit everything - receiver, amps, pi's etc in under maybe
$600-$800USD. Example - receiver - $300, small 2 channel amp - $75X3, pi
stuff $75x2. Just to give you a target $.

So, any thoughts, even a "what you are planning on doing makes sense"
would be appreciated. 

Thank you, as always

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