The documentation for the CLI states as follows:

> The HTTP server can return cover art for songs using the track ID as
> returned by the CLI functions. If no cover art exists for the given
> song, the server returns special "no artwork" image. Please refer to the
> Artwork Setup documentation for more details on artwork management in
> Logitech Media Server. Use the following URL:
> http://<server>:<port>/music/<track_id>/*cover.jpg*
> where:
> <server> is the ip address or name of the server.
> <port> is the HTTP port of the server (not the same as the CLI port).
> <track_id> is the track ID as returned by the CLI functions.
> In addition, there is a shortcut URL to return the artwork of the
> currently playing song for a player:
> http://<server>:<port>/music/current/*cover.jpg*?player=<playerid>
> where:
> <server> is the ip address or name of the server.
> <port> is the HTTP port of the server (not the same as the CLI port).
> <playerid> is the unique identifier for the player, as above. If
> omitted, the server will use a random player.

Should the file always be called cover.jpg or are other names and/or
extensions possible? I know many people use folder.jpg - does this get
mapped to cover.jpg for this call or would it remain as folder.jpg? Is a
.png extension allowed?

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