dean Wrote: 
> Slim Devices is growing and we need some help.  We have several job
> openings for full-time positions and are looking for smart people who
> want to work at an exciting, growing, small company to help us and our
> community build great products.  We offer benefits, flexible hours,
> telecommuting, stock options and a lot of fun.  If you are interested
> in applying for any of these openings, please email your resume to
> Embedded Systems Engineer: Slim Devices is seeking an experienced
> full-time embedded systems engineer.  Ideal candidates would have
> experience in real-time systems, DSP, networking and audio.
> Service Engineer: Slim Devices is seeking an experienced full-time Perl
> programmer with networking and unix system administration skills to help
> us develop and deploy SqueezeNetwork.
> Tech Support: Slim Devices is seeking an experienced full-time tech
> support engineer to help our customers with installation and
> troubleshooting of our award winning products by phone, email and the
> web.  Macintosh & Windows, audio/consumer electronics, networking
> experience required.
> QA Manager: Slim Devices is seeking an experienced full-time QA manager
> in the San Francisco Bay Area to help make our open source,
> cross-platform software and cutting-edge hardware the best it can
> possibly be. Should have experience in creating test plans from the
> ground up for white box & black box software testing. Networking,
> embedded, consumer electronics and/or audio testing a plus.
Glad to see this.  I hope it means you're doing well financially.

I hope the new QA guy has some say in when a release goes out, what is
called beta, what is alpha, etc.  It's gotten a little out of control
and I think Slim has done some genuine damage to itself with the last
couple of releases.  You'd do well to follow a standardized alpha ->
beta -> release_candidate -> official_release approach to every version
going out.

What I think you guys could _really_ use is a good web
designer/developer for both SoftSqueeze and for the web interface. 
Someone who can do graphic design and page layout, who understands
usability and ergonomic issues, can develop cross-browser compatible
JavaScript and who knows CSS inside and out.  The web interface could
use some real work, independent of what's going on in the background
with streaming, scanning, etc.


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