Hi guys,

I used to have a bunch of squeezebox(s) back in the day and switched to
Sonos when Logitech killed them off.  I then switched back to squeeze a
few years ago after Sonos started end of life(ing) my kit and I am very
happy I did.  I currently run 5 PiCorePlayers (with HiBerry DAC+ mostly)
which all were running version 5 and I use Squeezer to control via my
phone(s) and I have the latest version of silmserver running on Windows
10. This has been running without issue for years. I have in the last
couple of days noticed that my devices started randomly increasing the
volume to 50% for reasons unknown.  I have now upgraded all players to
version 7 today but it is still happening and I have no clues why or how
to trace the issue.  

Has anyone experienced players randomly increasing the volume like this
and does anyway have any advice has to how to track this down?  My
system in the kitchen is quiet loud and 50% is a bit much when I am on a
teams meeting!

All help gratefully recoeved.


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