nils92 wrote: 
> Thanks very much cliveb
> So from what I understood after a bit of search, I will have to 
> - activate C-3PO plugin
> - from the Picoreplayer LMS tab, I will load a custom convert file in a
> .txt format 
> - in this custom-convert, no need to copy the whole convert.conf file, I
> just have to add something like the following line to time-compensate
> for a 1 m speaker disalignment : [sox] delay 0 0.003 (to add a 3 ms
> delay to the second channel)
> Is that the general idea ?
> I don't know if sox will accept to handle 0.003 second, it would
> probably be better to input samples rather than seconds, but then the
> number of samples would depend upon the sample rate, wich makes it more
> complicated
I don't think the C-3PO plugin is relevant. I run SOX in a
custom-convert to do room correction EQ and the C-3PO plugin is not
active in my LMS (which is running in pCP on a RPi3).

You're right that you don't need to replicate the standard convert.conf
in your custom-convert - it just needs to override the standard stuff
for the particular file types and players of interest. I'd say your file
should look something like:

  flc flc * <mac address of the player needing the delay>
  [sox] -q --multi-threaded --no-clobber -t flac $FILE$ -t flac - delay 0 0.003

This is assuming your source files are FLAC. If you use some other
format, you'd need to change the file type, eg. for MP3:

  mp3 flc * <mac address of the player needing the delay>
  [sox] -q --multi-threaded --no-clobber -t mp3 $FILE$ -t flac - delay 0 0.003

You make a good point about whether SOX will accept 0.003 to represent
3ms of delay, and the issue of different sample rates if you instead
specify samples.
I guess you'll just have to experiment.

One last comment: when I tried loading a custom-convert using pCP's
upload facility, it kept complaining that the file was the wrong format,
so I had to manually set it up with an editor while SSH'd into the

Until recently: Transporter -> ATC SCM100A, now sold :-(
House move forced change to: piCorePlayer(RPi2/HiFiBerry DIGI2 Pro) ->
Meridian 218 -> Meridian M6
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