Yes, if you select to use the ethernet port during setup the wireless card is disabled and should not transmit.

And if you reenable it, your settings are preserved.

On Nov 30, 2005, at 11:41 AM, LavaJoe wrote:

I am awaiting a replacement unit for my SB2, and they are sending a
wireless unit (because there are no more wired).

This is for installation in my car, and I use ethernet to connect to
the car PC, however, I may give bridging a try for syncing music to the
PC if I can get a good enough signal.  Currently I use an external USB
wireless adapter that I carry in the glove box and only connect when

My question is can the wireless be disabled and enabled through the
settings on the SB2?  If disabled, can it keep the parameters (WEP,
etc.) for re-enabling later?  When disabled, is the radio (RF) signal
truly off?  I do not want stray RF bouncing around for no reason while
driving, especially since the car radio is right next to the SB2.

If the wireless cannot be turned off, I will likely remove that


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