Definitely think these videos touch on the thing that still blows me
away: Squeezebox was so far ahead of it's time, it's still advanced 17+
years later!

Every Squeezebox I bought over the years is still working perfectly (a
decent selection - see below), and thanks to this community (and Michael
in particular) they more than keep pace with changes over time.


Without a doubt the best Tech Investment I've made!

oh - and the Controller is arguably the only part that has become
redundant thanks to Smartphones, so doesn't get a lot of love these
days.  In fairness it's easy to forget that the Controller was seen as a
must have component for the battle with Sonos 'back in the
day'....sigh....does make you wonder what might have been.

Blows my mind really that Squeezebox still wipes the floor with Sonos
even after they've had over a decade to try to catch up!!

And final memory for me.....I bought a Nokia N770 to use as a squeezebox
remote once upon a time....anyone still got a working one of those!!?? 
Bet that looks clunkier than a Squeezebox Controller now!!!

|Filename: Squeeze.jpg                                              |

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