from the thread on "options for remote power-on", Dean says:

dean Wrote: 
> I'm not Sean, but I do have answer from him.
> The IR blaster dongles are just infrared LEDs at the end of a long  
> cable and are available from a number of sources, including us:
> <>
> The output is from a CMOS driver going through CMOS switch and so it  
> has a bit of inherent resistance and is current limited and will  
> drive the LED directly, but will also work as a logic level output.

I would like to drive a solid state relay from the logic level out
(it's essentially the same as an IR LED, except using less power but
continuously while signalling "power on").  I don't know the specs on
the CMOS driver, (or what other loads it has) so I'm not sure if it
would be considered an unreasonable load (I need about 8ma at > 1.2V). 
It would not normally be considered excess, but... If possible, could
someone with the appropriate knowledge indicate if it's reasonable to
source 8 to 10ma from the output continuously?

Also, I'm presuming that the load would be between the tip (L channel)
and ring (R channel), rather than between L or R and ground.  Would
that be correct?



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