nice skin, thanks!

I am having one issue with this and the default handheld skin.

I access using a Palm OS treo650 through their blazer web viewer.

I have a problem with the volume controls on your skin in that when I
select a new volume (say changing from 6 to 7) for the first time, it
will transmit and process the change properly.  The web browser says
"sending" and then "receiving"

However, when I select a previously selected volume level (say changing
back to 6 or from 8 to 7 when previously selected above), the web
browser does not transmit the change.  It only says "redrawing".

It seems that in the palm browser it does not force a refresh ande
resend of the volume level if it is had prevously been selected.

Is there a way to program your skin to more specifically force a
refresh everytime something gets selected or touched on a screen, even
if it was previously selected?

One other item, how can I get your skin to default to the home page
instead of the browse artists page when I start it up?

Thanks again.

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