Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> Go to View - Customize Columns.
> Press the "New Configuration" button.
> Rename the "New configuration" "Current Tag". 
> Make its value (right hand side) "%_tag_read%"
> Make another "New configuration" and name it "Tags 
> In File".  Make its value "%_tag".
> Move these new columns up and down in the list to 
> get them in the order you want.
> ... 
> Mark Lanctot
> ___________________________________

That's a very useful tip.

I had recently figured out that I could add column by pressing the new
configuration button and putting the name of the tag (i.e. %composer%)
into the value field. It seems to redefine the configuration name to
match the title value.  

I learned to put the same string (i.e. %composer%) into the Field
textbox.  That lets me edit the column value in place rather than
by using the View/Tags command that pops up a window.  However, this
in-place editing doesn't seem to work for a changing a Tag for a
selected group of tags.  How can I get an extra column such as Composer
to show up in the left pane along with Title, Artist, Album, ...?


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