ianjohnson_nz Wrote: 
> <Ian doffs his cap to LavaJoe>
> That is very cool. I will add that to my rainy day projects list. Just
> got to get a head unit with an Aux input (or maybe I can hack into the
> cassette unit, disable the cassette and pinch that as a source?
> [edit, stupid typo]

Thanks, BTW!  Yes, I am quite pleased with the way it worked out, and I
use it all the time.

Yeah, you really should get aux input to take advantage of the good
sound.  My factory unit was a 6-disc in-dash CD changer, double-DIN,
but it had no aux input, plus it took twice the space.  I never liked
using the changer, since I then had CDs captive in my car, and I had to
choose what CDs to take on trips, etc - never bothered for short drives.
For a few years I had been looking for a way to play my collection
without lugging CDs around (or even MP3 discs, for that matter).  Now
I'm happy!

Because of a display glitch, I was sent a replacement SB2 wireless, and
I tried that for a while, even using it as a wireless bridge to sync
music, which worked fine.  But that unit exhibitted the display glitch
even more often (others on the forum have seen it too, so I filed a bug
on it - who knows, it might be exacerbated by the changes in
temperature, etc.), so I kept the original wired unit, and I'm back to
using my little Linksys USB wireless adapter to sync, which works just

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